Davis Marbles

Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

As I left work  yesterday to head home I noticed an extra two boxes sitting on one of the shelves. I did not remember them being there when I left for vacation. So I decided to take a moment and check them out.

In the first box I came to were rings. Just like the pendants I have talked about before, these rings were made by Jim King from Sistersville, WV. The rings were all shapes and sizes radiating different colors from the rainbow. Some would change colors if positioned under the light differently.

These rings are absolutely beautiful.

These rings are absolutely beautiful.

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These rings would make anyone’s hand shine. You could have a nice matching necklace and ring for any and every outfit in your closet. This jewelry is good for just casual wear to town, but it is also perfect for dressing up for meetings and interviews. Being a college student, these rings are great accessories that I can afford to go with my outfits to job interviews. Blog 191

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As I said in the beginning, there were two new boxes on the shelf. The other had more pendants like I have talked about before. However, some of these pendants are much bigger. These also have different designs.

The display box on the shelf.

The display box on the shelf.

Another angle of the box.

Another angle of the box.

Some new pendants that are for sale.

Some new pendants that are for sale.

While selling these pendants I get asked a lot if we have chains for the pendants. Until now we never had the chance to get them. But now we have very colorful chains for a pendant. The chains are sold separately.

All kinds of options to match the perfect pendant.

All kinds of options to match the perfect pendant.

These new rings and pendants were great new discoveries in the store. Come check them out before I have the chance to take them all!

Keep Calm and Marble On,


Trying to jump back into the swing of things, I started my second day back uploading things onto the eBay website. One of the things I was asked to upload was similar to the little glass pieces that I previously talked about in past blogs. Except this time they were not the little pieces, but actually pretty big. Some of the pieces were so big  I could only fit one or two in my hand at a time.

As of the beginning of July, we have started selling the big glass pieces in groups of tens. Just like the little pieces, these glass pieces tell a story of marble to be. The beauty was not cut short with size either.

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This is a group of ten that was recently uploaded to eBay.

These glass pieces could range from an inch to maybe two inches. Again like the smaller pieces they can have sharp edges and are not made for children’s play.

But if you are looking for bigger glass pieces for a project or a big aquarium this is the place to check them out. They start at $0.99 as an eBay bid and the auction only last three days so you have to be fast!

Check it out on Davis Marble’s eBay Page

Keep Calm and Marble On,





The summer has flown by faster than I could ever imagine. As anyone could notice the huge gap within my last post and now has a reason. As of July 4th my family left for our yearly vacation to Myrtle Beach. I meant to blog while down there, but as I fell deeper into the vacation laziness remembering to blog became harder.

My family has been vacationing at Myrtle Beach since I was born, and in those many years we have come to make life long friends. The lifeguard on the beach where we stay has become a friend that will always be in our hearts. Adam, the lifeguard, is from Poland but spends his summers here in the US. He has been our lifeguard for 8 or 9 years now. Last year while we were on vacation he introduced us to his now fiance, Edyta (Her name his pronounced as it spelled, “Eh-di-ta”). Again this year they returned to spend another Davis Vacation together. Its not a real vacation unless Adam is our lifeguard. But sadly July came to an end and we yet again had to say good-bye to all of our friends hoping everything works out to see them again next year.

So today is my first day back. I definitely have mixed emotions about returning, because who wants to leave the beach?! Waking up had to be the hardest part of working today. Paradise has checked out and Reality has checked back in. It is time to get back into the groove of things, which will be a struggle but will happen.

I only have short 2 weeks left to work in the Davis Marbles office due to moving into my apartment before school starts soon. I hope to see a lot of people before heading to Morgantown, come and see me!

Keep Calm and Marble,



As of request, my dad and Uncle Steve have been hard at work fixing up our downstairs to host parties and such. Steve and my dad went to Parkersburg recently and ordered chairs and tables to set up the room. Blog 183

So far the room has enough seats to sit around 32-34 people. However, there is plenty of standing room and places for more chairs. In the picture displays only one half of the downstairs. The other side of the room is almost finished being cleaned and ready.

Along with the tables and chairs, Steve and dad have been cleaning the kitchen downstairs. The kitchen is fully functional with a microwave, sink, oven, fridge, dishwasher, and plenty of cabinet space. Blog 184Blog 185

Steve is hoping to visit Parkersburg soon to get plates and silverware to store in the cabinets. The kitchen is great to store food ahead of time in the refrigerator and/or to keep the food nice and fresh and warm.

Our downstairs also has a complete bathroom so guests do not have to keep walking up and down the stairs to our main floor restroom. Blog 186

There is so much room for activities downstairs! It would be a great place to host a birthday party, for a meeting (such as business meetings, 4H meetings, etc), or even to host a family get together. So come check out our new space, and get ready to party!

Keep Calm and Marble On,


Earlier today we had some customers come in and draw my attention to some pendants that were on display. I never really noticed them, being behind the counter all the time.

As we were talking Dottie, my co-worker, mentioned that we were given those by a man known as Jim King from Sistersville. Each pendant was beautifully made and some had small designs within each one.

I have always seen the case on display but never took the time to actually look at the beautiful artwork inside.

The pendants in their case in the store.

The pendants in their case in the store.

The woman looking for one said that they were all so pretty that it would be hard for anyone, especially herself, to pick. This was when I started to take an interest and take a closer look at each one. The designs within the pendants shine with glitter and radiate a beauty like none other.

A closer look at some of the pendants.

A closer look at some of the pendants.

A few more I thought were very unique.

A few more I thought were very unique.

As I started looking, I realized that we also stored some of the pendants in our glass case. However these were still packaged. These pendants included a card with Jim King’s name and some information on his store

3 packaged pendants on display.

3 packaged pendants on display.

I swear I find new things in the store everyday. These small treasures are absolutely amazing and wonderful to look at. I am not a big fan of jewelry, but I would love to make any of these pendants into a necklace. The woman also stated that if you could find two of them alike that you could turn them into earrings.

The pendants amazed me and I definitely plan on buying these for friends and myself. Come check them out in the store in Pennsboro!

Keep Calm and Marble On,



Since the 4th of July Holiday is fast approaching, Andrea thought it would be nice to have some marbles put onto eBay dedicated to Independence Day.

So we have been hard at work searching for everything we can find that is red, white, and blue. Andrea thought it would be cute to make bags of the glass pieces that we sell on eBay the same way. We have two bags that are going to be hitting the shelves soon as a celebration for next Friday.

Our first bag of 4th of July Marbles.

Our first bag of 4th of July Marbles.

Our second bag of celebration marbles. Andrea took the pictures for this bag.

Our second bag of celebration marbles. Andrea took the pictures for this bag.

Andrea says to check out her new marbles/glass pieces on eBay! They will be up for auction starting this Sunday. Don’t miss out on these!

Keep Calm and Marble On,

Amanda and Andrea

Yesterday I put Andrea to work.

First we sat down and made bags of glass pieces that I could teach her to put on eBay. She made a total of eight bags that are scheduled to be on eBay for sale sometime next week.

Then we decided that small glass pieces were not enough. A couple of days ago, Steve suggested maybe selling glass pieces that are an inch (and bigger) in size together. So this was Andrea’s next job. She picked out ten larger glass pieces and helped take some photos. These glass pieces can be found on eBay as of yesterday but only for limited amount of time.

After taking pictures of the marbles she went back to her desk while I prepared some marbles for her to try to put on.

I gave Andrea a marble and said name it, take pictures of it and then number it. She looked at me like I was giving her the hardest job ever. But she got right to work. She wrote down all kinds of names and asked me which ones would be okay. The funny thing is most of the names she had written down I had already used (great minds think alike). Eventually she decided on calling it the “Shooting Star” marble.

Next were the pictures. I showed her how to make sure the picture was clear and how to make sure the marble was in the middle.

Her first picture. Not bad, but not perfect.

She progressively got better the more pictures she took.

Andrea’s “Shooting Star” marble is also now on eBay.

She came into work today asking me how many more marbles she will get to put on and what else she can do to help. Andrea and I have also put more marbles on the Davis Marbles website.

She has made herself quite at home in my office.

Andrea’s “Shooting Star” Marble

10 Large Glass Pieces

Davis Marbles Website

Keep Calm and Marble On,

Amanda and Andrea


As of yesterday, I now have a partner in crime at work. Our mother left yesterday for a meeting in Washington D.C. and will be gone for the week. So while dad is at work in Parkersburg, I was given the job to watch my little sister throughout the day.

So the past two days I have had a person to help me around the office. She is taking the time and learning how to do things around the store. She even greets customers for myself and Dottie.

She told me the other day that it is now her dream job to work at the Davis Marbles store when she is older. I am sure we can work it so that she will have a job here.

Andrea already has herself a little desk with a computer (a toy one of course), and covered in papers needing to be done. She even has it decorated with colorful pictures and pictures of her with friends. Home sweet home.

She hopes to see lots of customers this week and learn everything she can. 🙂

Keep Calm and Marble On,

Amanda and Andrea

This entire last week I have been absent from the office due to it being 4-H camp week. I moved into my cabin Sunday around 4:3o pm. When I entered the cabin I had to leave all electronics behind.

I started 4-H around eleven years ago, when I was 8, and was placed into the Delaware Tribe (4-H is based off the original Native American tribes: Delaware, Mingo, Seneca, and Cherokee). Over the years, as I got older, I started getting more involved with the activities during camp.

However, this year was different. I was picked to be the Chief of the Delaware tribe. This meant I was in charge of a big group of children, responsible for making sure they were where they needed to be at all times. As the chief of the tribe I had to wear a black headband all week (each tribe is given a specific color). Then the battle was on, and each newly elected chief was trying to prove that he/she was the best. Being the chief I was also responsible for writing songs and making up skits. I did not have to conquer this by myself though. I was given a right and left hand man (or woman) to help control everyone and to make sure that the jobs were done.

Every night each tribe sat at Council Circle and we sang our songs and did our skits trying to prove that we wanted the Spirit Stick the most. The Spirit Stick represents the spirit of camp and loving 4-H as a whole. The goal of the entire week is to try to win the stick on Friday night.

As Friday night approached I had gained many new friends and rekindled friendships of the past. Which is exactly what 4-H is.

Friday was a raining day, meaning that the final ceremony was to be held inside the newly built barn. Each chief had one final shot at proving that his/her tribe was the best in camp.

To decide the winning chief, the ECI’s  (Extension Camp Instructor) had each chief hold the stick where he/she had painted the tribe’s color. As the camp sang a song, the ECI  slowly walks around the chiefs tapping those to let him/her know to let go. When there are two chiefs left, the ECI will wait until the end of the song to finally pick the winner. However, this year was different. I was one of the final two chiefs to be holding the stick along side my friend Ryder. The ECI ended up going through the chorus again leaving the two of us anxious.

Finally the winning chief was revealed. I am proud to say that I was that winning chief. With the help of my tribe, we showed that the Delawares had the most spirit in camp. 🙂

The final moment that I realized that I was the only person left holding the sticking.

A better look at the stick as I tell one of the ECI’s thank you.

This past week has been a privilege and an honor. In the eleven years that I have been in 4-H, never once had the Delaware tribe won. Come to find out that in the past twenty years only two other past chiefs of the Delaware tribe had won the stick. I had the honor of breaking the streak and being the first Delaware chief in the past ten years to win the stick.

After announcing the winner of the Spirit Stick, the four H’s are handed out. The H’s represent the good in a person and demonstrates what a good 4-H leader would do. The H’s include: the Head H, the Heart H, the Hands H, and the Health H. I was also awarded the Heart H for demonstrating my love for 4-H. The Heart H also represents the behind the scenes work that  goes unnoticed by most. It was such a blessing to reason an H.

When receiving an H, the person is given a candle to light.

The chief that was holding the stick with me for the last verse of the song was awarded the Spirit of Camp, a person that demonstrates every quality and is always ready to bring the spirits up of his fellow campers.

Myself and Ryder both received a Spirit Stick to show the love we share for 4-H.

I would do anything to go back and relive the past week. Though it seemed stressful and never ending at times, it really was the best week of 4-H camp I have had. It was truly a blessing and it was so much fun. I gained so many friends and made my 4-H family stronger than ever. I encourage everyone to get your child involved into 4-H. By joining 4-H, you are joining a new and loving family. A big HOW-HOW to all 4-Hers!

Keep Calm and 4-H On,


Today is a very short work day for me. My younger sister, Andrea, has been registered to attend summer basketball at the Elite Center this year. Today marks her first of many games with girls that are her age and at her level. We are hoping she keeps growing and reaches 6’4″ by high school. Of course, that is what my parents hoped for me as well.

However, even on a day where I only work half of the day, I still find some simple treasures laying in the office.
Last night my father came into the store to check on things and in the process he found 3 very unique marbles. He left them out for me to find and put on the eBay page today.

Many times when customers come in looking for marbles, they ask where the Peacock Marbles can be found. Usually the Peacocks sell as soon as we put them out, so most of the time I have to inform them that we just sold the last one.

As stated before, Mike Davis was the first brother to create the Peacock Design. One of the marbles my father found was a 2004 Mike Davis Peacock Marble. Beside it was also a Steve Davis 2004 Peacock. It was amazing to see marbles that were 10 years old and still so beautiful.

Steve Davis Peacock Marble

Steve Davis Peacock Marble

Mike Davis Peacock Marble

Mike Davis Peacock Marble

But these two marbles were occupied by another marble. This one however was not a Peacock Marble, but instead a Swirl made by their brother Joe Davis. It has been years since I have seen a marble that Joe made. And I am super excited to be posting these on eBay.

Joe Davis' Swirl Mable

Joe Davis’ Swirl Mable

If you are a collector of Davis Marbles, these are the jackpot. Most of the marbles sold are by Rick and Steve, but not these. The three of these marbles are rare beauties indeed. Don’t pass them up, check them out on our eBay page!

Keep Calm and Marble On,


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Saturday: 9-2

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